Enjoy Free Release-Date Delivery with Amazon Prime

If you always enjoy receiving new products on the day they are released, you’ll love the free release date delivery you can enjoy with Amazon Prime. It’s one of the best perks of your Amazon Prime membership and allows you to get your hands on the newest books, games, and electronics on the day they are first released. Instead of having to fight against the crowds in your local store, you can pre-order the item you are looking to purchase and have it sent straight to your home for you to enjoy on the first day of its release. Let’s take a look at this great benefit that anyone with Amazon Prime can enjoy for free.
What is Release-Date Delivery?
Release-date delivery is one of the many great delivery perks that you’ll enjoy with your Amazon Prime membership. As the name suggests, you’ll be able to get your hands on the newest items on the day they are released. The items are delivered for free straight to your home, ready for you to enjoy when you are finished with work that day. You can pre-order items as soon as they are available on Amazon, and then you just sit back and wait, knowing you’ll be one of the first people to experience this new product.
How Do You Select Release-Date Delivery?
Release-date delivery is so easy to select on Amazon, and you’ll just need to have a look through the upcoming releases to choose the products you are interested in. After choosing an eligible shipping address, you’ll then select release-date delivery. If this item can’t be delivered straight away on its release date, you’ll receive a message stating that while you are completing the checkout procedure. It’s important to note that if you have other items in your shopping basket, they’ll need to be delivered separately. The good news is that with Amazon Prime, you enjoy a whole range of shipping benefits, which you’ll be able to apply to another order.
Free Release-Date Delivery for Amazon Prime Members
Free release-date delivery is available for any eligible items when they are scheduled to be delivered to US zip codes, but it may take until 9 pm that night for them to arrive. When you checkout, release-date delivery will be free for you when you select the two-day shipping option. You can visit the tracking page on Amazon to see if your purchase, such as your new Kindle, is on its way and where it is on its journey. While there may be occasions where release-date delivery isn’t possible, you’ll find this to be one of the best perks of your membership.
Who is Release-Date Delivery Good For?
Anyone will benefit from release-date delivery, but there are a few products that it is particularly useful for. If you are looking to receive the newest gaming console, game, or book, you’ll enjoy receiving this on the day it is released, instead of heading out and battling the crowds at your local Target or Walmart. However, another great reason for using this service is for products that can help your business get ahead of your competition. A new piece of technology, such as an iPhone or VR headset, could be an exciting addition to your current working setup and keep you one step ahead of your competition.
Other Great Shipping Benefits from Amazon Prime
The great news is that this isn’t the only option when it comes to free shipping with Amazon Prime. You’ll receive free one-day delivery and free same-day delivery on certain orders, allowing you to get your hands on products you need immediately without any wait. In certain cities, such as Dallas, Orlando, Philadelphia, and Phoenix, you can even order as late as 5 pm and receive your items within the next five hours. If you haven’t already started buying groceries on Amazon, some cities even offer free two-hour delivery from Whole Foods Market and Fresh, which is an incredible perk of your Amazon Prime membership.
How Much is Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime is a monthly membership service, which you’ll pay just $12.99 to use. First-time users even get their first 30 days for free to try out the great benefits of this service. As well as these shipping perks mentioned above, you’ll want to keep an eye out for the upcoming Amazon Prime Day on the 21st and 22nd June 2021. Here you’ll enjoy some of the best online deals the site offers all year, including great deals on the Amazon Echo and Kindle. Amazon prime also gives you access to Prime Video, Prime Reading, and many other great services that your whole family will enjoy using. For the small price, you’ll find you get a whole selection of benefits that are well worth the monthly subscription.
Amazon Prime Day 2021 is coming up in just a few weeks, and you’ll find that it’s one of the best online shopping events of the whole year. You’ll find savings of up to 70% on the site, offering some of the best deals you’ll find all year long. Make sure you set a reminder on your calendar for this exciting event, where you’ll be able to find great discounts on almost any type of product you could imagine on the site. It’s a great perk of the Amazon Prime membership, and alongside the fantastic free shipping you receive on the site, you’ll find it to be well worth signing up if you aren’t already.